-We're guessing you weigh about 19.5 lbs and are getting longer and longer everyday. Your belly is getting much smaller.
-You are in size 3 diapers and 9-12 and 12 month clothes.
-You LOVE to stand up. We walk around with you and you're so proud of yourself.
-You're eating everything we feed you. Eating and nap time are your favorite times of the day.
-You are still eating 4 oz. four times a day. We'll try switching your formula to a sippy cup soon and eventually adding whole milk.
-You've continue sleeping about 12-13 hours with 2 naps (morning and evening). Going to bed at about 7pm and waking up at about 8am.
-You helped daddy celebrate his birthday and also celebrated your first Valentine's Day.
-Only 2 bottom teeth still. But drooling like crazy, so I'm sure there are more on the way.
-You found out your brother's name will be Theo!
At work with dad
Before the Fitch's Chinese New Year Party
Bath fun with your ducky
Eating lunch with Auntie Heather
At Sparta's for dad's bday dinner
Eating dinner-carrots first-that's my girl!
Standing up-such a big girl!
Monkey from Pops for Valentine's