Happy Birthday HP!


Happy birthday to my friend, Heather!  This picture was taken last year on her birthday...

Crazy how much things change in a year.  Thanks for being such a great friend, co-worker, Auntie to MJ and soon to be Theo and for letting the doggies give you hugs and kisses.  And for letting me steal some of your bday cake.


Theo's Nursery


Well, besides a few minor things, we're finished with Theo's nursery!  We finished Friday night before Madelyn's party so our guests could see it.  Here are some pics...

Theo sticker..from Etsy!

Mobile-made by yours truly =)

The glider will go here in a couple weeks

Frames to put pics and drawings in

The doggies were a little sleepy...this is MJ's new chair.  We'll put it in her room in a couple weeks.

30 Week Pic before Madelyn's Party

I didn't get a pic of the bedding yet.  We still need a mattress pad before putting on the sheets.

That's it for now!


1st Birthday Party


Madelyn's 1st birthday party was on St. Patrick's Day.  Her birthday is today, but we thought Saturday would be a better option that a Tuesday.

We decided to have all her babysitters come.  We are blessed to have so many people who care for who while Tim and I are gone.  We love all of them and Madelyn does too.

I'll show you her party in pictures...

Cake/card table
MJ's "smash" cake
Cupcakes for everyone else
Monthly birthday sign
Doggies eagerly awaiting everyone's arrival (sorry the pic is dark!)
Fruit kabobs (Tim made these)
Mom, MJ and Dad
Eating her lunch
Some of the guests
More of the guests
Auntie Heather and MJ

Mrs. Lynn and MJ
Singing "Happy Birthday"
Diving right in!
Yum, pretty good!
The crown had to come off...
Opening some gifts
Into more presents!
Playing with the kitchen from her Mimi and Papa

She had such a great time!  Thanks to all who came!


Madelyn: 12 Months

12 Months!  Happy 1st Birthday baby girl!!

-You have definitely changed our lives this year, for the better!

-You weigh 20lbs 8oz and are 29in tall. You've come a long way from the little 5 lb. newborn you were!

-You are in size 3 diapers with a box of size 4 on the way.  You are now wearing all 12 month clothes.  We'll switch you to 18 month pajamas soon.  You're getting long!

-You are officially a crawler, but haven't really figured out the "power" you have.  You normally go about 4 steps and then sit and find something to play with where you are.  You have yet to try to pull objects off shelves, etc.  We're definitely okay with this!

-You still love walking with us.  So very proud of yourself.

-Still such a good eater.  We did discover you don't like spinach by itself-I think it's a little too hard to chew.  But you will eat it mixed with other food.  So, you're still getting it!  Other than that, you continue eating everything we put in front of you.

-You started drinking whole milk out of a sippy cup about a week ago.  We first gave it to you out of a cup with a straw, but you liked blowing bubbles to much.  So we switched to a normal sippy.  You still drink your water out of a cup with a straw with no problems.

-Still sleeping pretty well.  You learned to go from all fours to sitting up. Now you like to do this in your crib, but you can't figure out how to lay back down yet.  We have to let you cry a little to get back to sleep, but you'll learn eventually!  The time change didn't really effect your sleeping habits.  Going down at around 6:45pm and waking up between 7:30-8am.  2 naps during the day, morning at around 9:30am and afternoon at about 1:30pm.

-You helped mommy celebrate her 28th birthday earlier this month.

-2 bottom teeth still.  We can't feel anymore coming in, but you are a drooling machine.

-This past Sunday, we had to stay home from church for the first time since you've been born.  You woke up with 100 degree temp, congested and lots of coughing.  You're still feeling pretty crummy, but thankfully your temp has gone down.

-You love playing in Theo's room.  Taking all his blankets out of the basket and covering yourself up.  You think it's so funny!

-We had your 1st birthday party this past Saturday.  You were such a good girl and had so many fun people around to help you celebrate.  And you discovered your love for chocolate.  You are definitely mommy's girl! =)

-You are becoming much more cuddly.  Mommy and daddy are both loving this!

Waking up from a nap
 After bath time-which you LOVE!
Having fun!
Fridays with daddy!  You and crazy Daisy in the crib!
More playing
Dinner at Red Robin with Grandma Izzy and Grandpa Tom
 12 Months!
Last year and this year...

We love you so much baby girl!

-Mommy and Daddy

28.5 Weeks


28 and a half weeks.  So crazy.  I am very excited and anxious to meet Theo!  Only about 2 more months, yea!  I'm still feeling good for the most part.  Pretty tired nonstop, but I think that'll be life for awhile.  Eating lots of fruit and dark chocolate.  But I did pass my glucose test so I guess I'm not eating too much chocolate!  ha! We're still working on his nursery.  Almost there!

On our vacation we did a little maternity photo shoot out by the water...in the cold and wind! 


Port Ludlow

This past weekend our family went on a mini-vacation before Theo gets here over to Port Ludlow.  We left the doggies with babysitters Tina and John.  Thank you for watching them!  Port Ludlow is a tiny, tiny town across the water on the Olympic Peninsula..on your way to Forks..where the vampires live.  We stayed at a resort there.  Pretty much the only place in the town.  It was very quiet, which is what we needed.  Tim took a week off work to get caught up on some school work and hang out with us before life gets even crazier.  I had to work on Thursday and Friday so we left on Saturday and got home yesterday (my bday! =)

Madelyn had her first ferry ride.  It was a little cold so we didn't stay out in the wind too long, but she loves being outside in the wind sticking her tongue out.  She also enjoyed looking out the window watching the waves go by.  We were hoping for a relaxing trip, but with an almost 1 year old...that doesn't quite happen.  We think she liked getting away and hanging out with mom and dad for the weekend, but she is very much a homebody.  Loves her own bed and doggies.  When we brought her home from the hospital we immediately put her in her own room.  Our rooms aren't very far away from each other and I wasn't nursing so we thought it be best just to bite the bullet and start this way from the beginning.  So glad we did.  She has been a fabulous sleeper...we are extremely blessed by this.  We've only slept in the same room as MJ twice since she's been born.  This was when we were visiting my parents down in Arkansas for my brothers wedding.  We stayed at a friends house in the town where the wedding was and MJ stayed in a port-a-crib at the foot of our bed.  She's a very loud sleeper, talks in her sleep...and needless to say I could not sleep at all.  It happened again this weekend.  The hotel provided a crib for her, but she talked/squeaked again all night so it was really hard for me to sleep the first night.  It also took her awhile to get to sleep since she knew we were in the same room with her.  We're those parents that let her cry for awhile when we first brought her home.  Again, so glad we did because now she can put herself to sleep and doesn't need us to hold her until she falls asleep.  So when she wouldn't go down we really didn't know what to do since we haven't had this problem before.  She cried a little and eventually fell asleep, but I'm sure our hotel neighbors didn't like it.  It's just a good thing her bedtime is at 7pm and not 10pm! Or they really wouldn't like it! ha! 

During the day she did great.  We were traveling to and from places during most of her naps so she slept in the car and this morning she slept great for her nap in the hotel while Tim studied and I read a little....and watched HGTV.  We don't have cable at home anymore so I was taking advantage of it!  MJ is such a good kid.  Has eaten all the food we've offered, is pretty well-behaved at restaurants, and can for the most part play well by herself..unless she's super tired...then she gets a little cranky.  But don't we all.

It was a nice weekend away and so glad we did it.

However, we've decided we won't be traveling much with the kiddos...just day trips!  We want to take a relaxing trip with the two of us after Theo is born and Tim has finished up his first semester of seminary =).  We'll travel some more when the kids get older...and can walk, ha!

Now, here are some pictures...

Tim and MJ on the ferry

Megan and MJ on the ferry

Hanging out in Port Ludlow-it was really cold and windy!

The Resort

And as I mentioned earlier yesterday was my birthday.  All I asked Tim to get me was a big cookie cake...that I didn't have to share..ha!  Remember, I am pregnant! =)  So he and Madelyn ran to the mall while I taught a lesson and picked this up for me...so yummy...

We had nice weather the whole weekend...and then this is what we came home to...

SNOW! (this is after it was mostly melted)
