Adoption Month


November is National Adoption month. 

Tim and I are very interested in doing this.  It took us a little longer than expected to conceive Madelyn.  During this process, we looked on adoption websites and what we saw broke our hearts.  All these kids that don't have parents and are being taken care of by the state.  That need to be shown love, discipline, mercy, patience, a family.  We've been praying about it and even after 2 kids, God is pointing us in the direction of adoption.  We don't know when or from what country, but God has laid it on both our hearts.

There have been a couple of recent events that have even more so encouraged us to do this. One is seeing so many kids in the Philippines who live in severe poverty. Another is after going to the PRC (Pregnancy Resource Center) gala last week and hearing stories and stats of how many girls are getting abortions. It's so sad.

Please be in prayer for us as we go on this journey.  Pray specifically for timing, country & finances.

If you have adopted, please tell us about your journey.  We'd love to hear about it.

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