Madelyn's 3 Year Old Questions


Questions to a 3 year old....

What is your favorite color?  purple

What is your favorite toy?  bouncy glow in the dark balls

What is your favorite fruit?  pineapple

What is your favorite TV show?  "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood"

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Pepperoni, cheese and crackers

What is your favorite outfit? dress

What is your favorite game?  singing the ABC's

What is your favorite snack? string cheese

What is your favorite animal?  elephant

What is your favorite song?  Jesus medley..."There's Just Something About that Name", "Jesus Loves Me", "Jesus Loves the Little Children"

What is your favorite book?  cars book

Who is your best friend?  Theo

What is your favorite dinner?  pepperoni pizza

What is your favorite thing to do outside?  swing and slide

What is your favorite drink?  water with ice

What is your favorite place to go?  Evie's house (I asked her these right after Evie's bday party :)

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  bunny and piglet

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  cereal

What do you want on your birthday?  go to Chuck E. Cheese and eat cupcakes

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