Happy Easter!


Happy Easter!  Hope you've all had a good Easter day and weekend.  Theo's been a little sniffly so we've tried to stay close by the house for the most part.  Our church had a Maundy Thursday and Good Friday service this past week.  There wasn't childcare so the kids and I stayed home.  The kids don't sit still that long (especially little boy!) and it started when they normally go down for bed.  Hopefully we can go next time.  Tim said both services went really well. 

Saturday morning, we took the kids to an egg hunt at a church down the street.  They had never been to a big egg hunt, just ones we do around the house.  They loved it!  It was a beautiful day and we even saw some friends from MOPS.  Thanks Erica for the suggestion!

Later that afternoon, we walked down to our local school's park to play with Madelyn's new teeball set she got for her birthday from Tee (Auntie Heather).  They had fun in the sunshine hitting the ball and running the bases!

This morning Tim took off early early to get ready for services.  The kids and I headed up there before choir rehearsal.  I tried snapping some pictures before we left the house, but it didn't go so well.  This is the best I have of both of them.  Guess I should face them away from the sun, huh?!?

Both services went well and we were able to snap a pretty good picture of all of us before we headed home.  We're meeting up with some friends tonight for dinner.  Should be fun!

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