May Wrap Up


I've put most of my May pictures in the others posts (links at the bottom), but here are a few more...

borrowing one of Madelyn's books

Mother's Day

Theodore: 7th Birthday Party


Theo had his birthday party at Premier again this year.  He and his party guests had a lot of fun!  Mom and Dad came for the weekend.  Thanks for coming!  I know he loved having you all here.

Theodore: 7 Year Old Questions


What is your favorite color?  silver and gold

What is your favorite thing to do?  Domino rally, park, splash pad, trampoline with sprinkler

What is your favorite food?  Milkshakes that daddy makes

What is your favorite TV show?  PJ Masks, Garfield, Paw Patrol, Magic School Bus Rides Again

What is your favorite thing to wear?  PJ Masks Pajamas

What is your favorite game?  Frogger

What is your favorite animal?  Puppies

What is your favorite song?  "Hand Jive" and "Party in the USA"

What is your favorite book?  The Bible

Who is your best friend?  Jesus, God, The Holy Spirit and Madelyn

What is your favorite drink?  Sprite

Where is your favorite place to go?  Panera, Salsaritas, Max Air, Jump Jam, Pizza Inn, Gatti's

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Ruff Ruff

What grade did you just finish?  Kindergarten

What was your favorite thing about Kindergarten?  PBIS Rewards

What is your favorite Bible verse?  John 3:16 and Psalm 139:14

What's the best thing that happened to you this year?  Lost 4 teeth

What are you looking forward to in the next year?  First Grade

Theodore: 7th Birthday


 Birthday cinnamon roll!

We went to FP Pellissipi - Theo's choice- this morning.  After church we headed to one of his favorites, Panera!  We went home and played on his new slip and slide along with the trampoline and sprinkler.  For dinner, we headed to another favorite, Salsaritas.  Bubba had a fun birthday!

Theodore: 7 Years Old



You are SEVEN today!  Seven years old.  It seems so old.  You have completed Kindergarten and are on to first grade.  You've grown and matured a lot this year.

You played soccer again this spring and have come such a long way.  We love to watch you! 

You weigh 44 lbs and are 46.2 in. tall

Currently in size 6-7t shirts and 5-6t pants.  Size 13/1 shoes.

Your favorite foods are fruit, anything sweet, bread, cereal and cheese.

You love Salsaritas, Chick-fil-A and Panera

Going to sleep at night around 7pm and waking up for school at 6:30am.  Now that it's summer time, we're hoping you'll sleep a little later!

Some of your favorite activities are building anything, crafting, jumping on the trampoline, swimming, gymnastics and hanging out with your sister.

We just love you so much!


Last Day of School


Last day of 2nd and Kindergarten for these two kiddos!  They both had such good years. 

Madelyn excelled in reading, math and pretty much every subject.  She also learned friendships change as she gets older.  Girls can get a bit sassy and not so nice, but she is learning she can't change their behavior.  They are in control of that.  She can only pray for them, be kind, and change her attitude towards them.

Theo has done really well in Kindergarten.  He enjoyed going to school everyday and just everything about it.  His favorite was PE and recess, but enjoyed learning and being with his friends.

Kindergarten Awards Day


Our kiddo got the "Happy Camper" award in school this year.  His teacher said he always had a smile on his face and is such a joy to be around.  Awards day was so special and fun for his class.  They had an ice cream party and his teacher, Mrs. Cole, handed out graduation certificates.  Theo has done amazing in school this year.  He's reading like a champ and on top of his game in all subjects.  We're incredibly proud of him.

Showing us his portfolio

Madelyn's Dance Recital


Madelyn started jazz class in January of this year.  She loves it!  She was in a class with girls that have been in dance awhile and at first she was a little intimidated, but the girls in her class are super sweet and encouraging and Madelyn picked the steps right up.  So proud of her!  She LOVES being in the spotlight and turns on the charm. 

Ready to go!

Supportive boys!  Theo is such a trooper.  He sat at her rehearsal for 2 1/2 hours with not one complaint.

Theo's Field Day


Time for Theo's Field Day!  He didn't know what all to expect, but had heard from his sister how much fun it is.  His class had such a fun time!  Love these silly monkeys.

Madelyn's Field Day


The kids had field day one day after the other.  Madelyn's was first.  She LOVES field day and is very competitive.  We reminded her it as all in fun and just enjoy it.  I'd say it was a fun day for all!

Zoo Field Trip


Theo's school goes to the zoo for their spring Kindergarten field trip.  He had such a fun time and so glad I was able to join them!  His favorite part was seeing the monkeys and eating an icee.  Kindergarteners are so fun!